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Naret Visesvongsa | all galleries >> Galleries >> Seascape in Rayong Thailand, Part I > Namrin Beach_C6X0901.jpg
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Namrin Beach_C6X0901.jpg

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II
15s f/11.0 at 33.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bill Taylor07-Sep-2009 01:45
Beautiful !
Guest 02-Apr-2009 06:23
Very well done! Great slow S image !!
Lamar Nix06-Feb-2009 16:46
A lovely composition and most ethereal image of a perfect place! BV
Pawel27-Jan-2009 15:32
Wow! Beautifull! BV
Guest 07-Sep-2008 04:53
I like the long exposure here. Beautiful shot. Green colour is stuning here!V
nomada04-Sep-2008 20:53
Peter Stahl18-Jun-2008 05:13
Superb! Love the feel of the shot! GMV.
Don Marlow20-Apr-2008 05:52
beautiful colors did you bracket to determine 15Seconds or just have it down to a science at this point
Emmanuel Panagiotakis26-Mar-2008 05:27
stunning colors and Wonderful details
Sandi Whitteker23-Mar-2008 19:51
Amazing shot Naret. You've captured the water beautifully, and the colors knock me out! Fabulous!
CIS22-Mar-2008 20:16
Your work is OUTSTANDING!!! How incredibly stunning this is!
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