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Sam_C | all galleries >> Current >> Inner Visions > Blue & Sentimental
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02-MAR-2008 Sam_Charupakorn

Blue & Sentimental

Ricoh GR Digital
1/1150s f/5.6 at 5.9mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeff Real11-Jun-2010 00:48
An aptly titled gem. A wonderful mood, Sam ~V~
Simon Chandler03-Jun-2010 21:30
Great mood presented. Dark silhouette on bright blue sky, very effective. v
PauloCGama31-May-2010 14:33
Sky pops. Beautiful details.
joseantonio31-May-2010 08:16
Beautiful picture
Liz Bickel10-Mar-2008 21:22
Such a peaceful image.
12308-Mar-2008 05:43
Love the large scale and complexity of the sillouetting in this image. Black and blueish! Bravo. V
James Clarke08-Mar-2008 03:28
The feeling of beauty and peace you get just before sunrise or just after sunset when taking a walk. +V
XiaoBernard9907-Mar-2008 17:12
I know SAM waht you feel in this mood.I like also shoot this contrast between Blue sky and black tree,in the morning or evening ,yes it is sentimental,romantic a little surely,for the lonesome one poor guy indeed....In digital so nice.Thanks for sharing the mood.