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10-FEB-2008 Sam_Charupakorn

Stormy Weather

Ricoh GR Digital
1/350s f/2.4 at 5.9mm iso800 full exif

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)18-Mar-2011 07:22
Beautiful composition, excellent light and framing,my vote!
Simon Chandler03-Jun-2010 21:30
Powerful image. Moody atmosphere. v
PauloCGama31-May-2010 14:32
Love the mysterious mood, excellent work my friend.
an nguyen31-May-2010 10:47
My Ricoh style rocks again.
bill friedlander27-Feb-2010 20:02
Great composition and feel for the weather. The three lights certainly drags the eye into the corner. V
Guest 15-Nov-2008 22:15
Dramatic image, I love this mood. V
Jeff Real23-Aug-2008 13:26
A fantastic and dramatic image ~V~
Guest 08-Mar-2008 19:07
Love your gritty style,Sammy.
Soenda08-Mar-2008 08:53
The grittiness brings this shot home. It gave me a jolt of déjà vu. Who hasn't looked up at a dark and stormy sky just like this one? It conveys the oppressiveness of descending darkness. Very effective.
12308-Mar-2008 05:42
Very beautiful graphic effect in a very emotive light. :) Fabulous. V
James Clarke08-Mar-2008 03:18
You do great work of these gritty shots Sam, lovin it. +V
blizzard07-Mar-2008 20:25
sam this great
full of mood and drama
excellent work v
FrankB07-Mar-2008 17:47
like a scene from a post-modern horror flick...that GR is certainly atmospheric...great shot bro....V
Fong Lam07-Mar-2008 17:20
Those bright street lights stand out well against
the bleak gloomy atmosphere. Nice capture, Sam
XiaoBernard9907-Mar-2008 17:01
I like this mood,but it is also so long in our country.With sound of rain or the silent snow it is better to like it .;.i must imagine...yes it is better...
parallaxes aka Jean-Pierre Bijouard07-Mar-2008 16:55
Magnificent dark composition ; the three brilliant points are one "more" ; great V