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fred_il | all galleries >> Galleries >> expad_favorites > 24-02- Danger!
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24-02- Danger!

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Guest 02-Apr-2008 23:42
Excellent shot. Love the tones. V
Craig Persel06-Mar-2008 22:19
Eric Herbelin04-Mar-2008 15:54
splendid! v
Rob Rosetti28-Feb-2008 11:16
Outstanding shot, Fred! Bravo!
Andrew Vincent25-Feb-2008 11:50
Excellent! The red lurking in the shadows is great. VOTE!
Darbowski25-Feb-2008 10:00
Superbe ! Bravo ! V
Roe..24-Feb-2008 03:07
wow..this is soooo good
PauloCGama24-Feb-2008 01:17
just amazing!!
cheers (V)
Barbara Heide24-Feb-2008 00:20
fallait l'oser! very creative ... fantastic composition! v
Robyco23-Feb-2008 23:05
Great composition !!!
and the colortone makes is very good !!!
Guest 23-Feb-2008 21:49
Compelling image.
12323-Feb-2008 21:46
Very cool image. V