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Late 1950s Courtesy of Chick Gagen

Late 50's - Chick Gagen in his '55 white T-Bird, George Young and Gil Acosta in Gil's '55 T-Bird

Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami

Thank you to Chick Gagen for contributing this image of the guys at the third bridge going to Crandon Park on Rickenbacker Causeway. (Note: the botton left of the photo was damaged from old age like most of us, his T-Bird was not distorted like that)

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Chick Gagen 16-Jan-2013 18:23
I spent a lot of time at your Dad's Boat Shop. He built the Zonkercraft Racing Boat for me. Great times with him....Chick Gagen
Guest 16-Jan-2013 16:40
I spent a lot of time in your dad's Boat Shop. He built the Zonkercraft racing boat for me..Great times with tyour Dad.....Chick Gagen
Olin McKenzie 07-Dec-2012 19:09
Suzy- I have been searching for some connection to Al Martin Boats. I grew up in Miami with many memories fishing and boating in the Al Martin style. I am hoping to find plans for the 16' to 19' skiff to do a new version for shallow water fishing. Do such shop drawings exist and are they available. I really would appreciate a response.
Sincerely, Olin McKenzie 305-772-0376;
Suzy 28-Mar-2012 18:07
Chick Gagen - My last memory as a child of Chick Gagen in the late 60's was in my dad's boat shop, Al Martin Boats - "Home of the Marliner"