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Late 1950's Courtesy of George W. Young

Late 1950's - ad for Pinky's Custom Shop

Miami, Florida

Thank you to George W. Young for contributing this great old image. George says "This was a neat car place that we used to hang out at. Gil Acosta and I had our cars scalloped & striped at Pinky's by Jerry Anolik. They also did louvers at .25 cents each. Leroy Gonzales owned the louver machine. You could get most any custom work done. Pinky's was owned by Charlie Naylor who later became the Service Manager of Williamson Cadillac in Kendall. I heard he moved to North Carolina but not sure about that."

other sizes: small medium original auto
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George Young 30-Jun-2010 16:05
Update: Charles Naylor did not move to N. Carolina. I talked to him and he's living in Florida. Neat to get to talk to someone you haven't seen or heard from in 50 years!