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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > Late 1950's - Cecil Holland Ford at NE 163rd Street and West Dixie Highway, North Miami Beach
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Late 1950's Courtesy of Alvin Lederer

Late 1950's - Cecil Holland Ford at NE 163rd Street and West Dixie Highway, North Miami Beach

NE 167th Street, North Miami Beach, Florida

Thank you to Alvin Lederer for contributing this great old image. Please click on "original" below to see the image at the largest size. Thank you to Craig Zinn for correcting the time frame of the photo from the "1960's." This dealership later became Friendly Ford.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Chris 15-Oct-2018 13:57
I'm Chris ( from France ) and I'm actually looking for informations about a Ford Mustang Mach 1 351ci Cleveland Medium Copper Metallic I've just bought this year, it has been sold by Friendly Ford in '73 ( by the help of my Marti's Report...).
It's one of the last sold in '73. There were 2 identical twins Mach 1 sold by this dealer. My Mustang is actually recognized as a quite rare model... So, if any one could be able to provide me any kind of informations, photos, whatever, about this Ford Dealer in the beginning of the 70's, the best will be about this car???... I'll really appreciate ! I have the name of the last american owner, in Southgate MI, that sold this car to be brought in France in 2014.
Here's my email for anyone to provide me informations :
Merci beaucoup !
Alfie Wace 29-Dec-2015 23:30
OMG! I actually KNOW Cecil P. Holland, Jr. He will LOVE seeing this photo of his Dad's dealership!
Mike O'Neill 06-Mar-2015 02:43
The two natural gas low pressure holding tanks on left are at the Peoples Gas yard at 15779 W Dixie Hwy. I was hired in 1973 at Peoples and helped demolish the old gas plant that was built in the 20s. It was going to be built on Miami Beach it was decided a better location would be Fulford by the sea.
Don Boyd09-Feb-2015 18:54
Mark, you are correct sir. I've added a sentence saying that in the above description. I don't know why I didn't do it when I posted the photo almost 4 years ago. Thank you for your comment.

Mark 07-Feb-2015 03:44
This later became Friendly Ford, if I'm not mistaken. My father sold cars there when we moved to Miami from Chicago in 1967.