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Xavi Barneda | all galleries >> Spain >> Albarracín > The stairway keeper...
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30-DEC-2007 Xavi Barneda

The stairway keeper...

Albarracin (Teruel, Spain)

Nikon D80
1/30s f/5.6 at 135.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Debbie Blackburn Beierle05-Mar-2008 07:44
Wonderful composition. Love the brickwork!!
marie-jose wolff03-Jan-2008 21:08
really, the staircase keeper...
beautiful image!
carabias03-Jan-2008 19:51
Además de ser bellísima.
¡Es una fotografía de esas que se quedan!
Gran Voto
Guest 03-Jan-2008 14:43
beautiful compo and look.
Guest 03-Jan-2008 12:48
So nice, he's going to defend the stairs from you now :) V
Paco López03-Jan-2008 07:19
Preciosa composicion!! Bien pillada!! V!
monil03-Jan-2008 04:16
A very beautifull composition and good colors.
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