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Eldar Kadymov | all galleries >> Galleries >> Costa Rica Is All About Nature > Red Eye Tree Frog, Monteverde Cloud Forest
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Red Eye Tree Frog, Monteverde Cloud Forest

I couldn't use my flash as it would've harmed this wonderful creature, so the whole shot required very careful preparation. Yet results were very rewarding !

Panasonic Lumix DMC-L1
1/10s f/5.0 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Marc Demoulin29-Aug-2010 15:25
My God!! Splendid!! vVv
Jarek Paszczynski18-Jul-2010 01:49
Fantastic shot! .V!
Jay Levin04-Aug-2008 16:41
Absolutely superb capture. Vote
Guest 22-Apr-2008 19:37
Wow! Isn't mother nature amazing! GMV.
Guest 03-Mar-2008 14:26
Spectacular. Great depth of field. Perfect detail and strong composition. Voted.
Scotty Graham28-Feb-2008 05:19
Fantastic shot!! Best of your series....a real winner!!
Pixel Shooter11-Feb-2008 00:26
Luv it , superb work! ~V
alfredo camba jr.09-Feb-2008 16:02
Fantastic capture! Colorful image!! Vote!!
Rian Houston09-Feb-2008 13:23
Awesome! V.
Marcia Colelli08-Feb-2008 13:01
really great capture, I have tried to find these frogs when I travel to the islands. V
Milan Vogrin01-Feb-2008 08:04
Superb photo! V!
brian5917-Jan-2008 17:10
Awesome photo! V
Lampridis Dimitris14-Jan-2008 16:00
Wonderful shot , excellent colors ***** BIG VOTE ...............................................
Guest 30-Dec-2007 12:57
Excellent capture...
Sabine Stetson23-Dec-2007 22:15
boy, you got so lucky....what stunning creature....
Richard Calmes23-Dec-2007 19:03
What a great image! V
GeneWard21-Dec-2007 21:17
an amazing photo of an extraordinary creature. voted.
Jean D19-Dec-2007 02:48
Awesome capture. Eldar! GMV.
edwina beaumont13-Dec-2007 16:07
this is so beautiful, wish I had taken it
Eldar Kadymov09-Dec-2007 00:15
Anigo, you were absolutely correct, Sinners 1321 was an apotheosis of pure diabolism and could not be ever overthrown by any evil event regarless of its nature... Now you see how much suffereng I went through in my gut wrenching journeys to collect enough bupkas for building of that paramount of madness ? Do you think it's easy to stare in this frog's eyes and maintain sanity and beliefs in eternal good ?!
Michael Weinberg08-Dec-2007 20:09
Hello Eldar. Wonderful example of superior cmos sensor color saturation in the eyes of this seemingly innocent reptile. But surely, your photographic connection may be more intense than what appears on the surface. It looks like in the nicely blurred bokeh background there is some very deeply red tropical plant leaves which are essential infrastructure parts to the infamous in your prolific Sinners 1321 gallery. It just goes to prove that you Eldar, O evil one, will travel to the most distant corners of he world to obtain the materials and the information necessary to propagate your diabolically evil agenda. Bravo! There is great method to your madness. Oy. Michael.
Lion08-Dec-2007 20:03
Beautful and stunning fella " VOTED "
Ann Cleeves08-Dec-2007 00:28
Ah, now...I've met him before ....on a shelf in an exclusive glassware shop Didn't realise he could possibly exist!This must be nature copying art. Stupendous little fella....stunning shot.
Hodero07-Dec-2007 22:27
best combination;Leica/image stabilizer !
Eldar Kadymov07-Dec-2007 22:22
No, amigo, it's just optical stabilizer in my Leica lens. Sometimes it makes real wonders :-)
Hodero07-Dec-2007 21:34
What a beauty!
...and 1/10 sec,and no flash!!
You have a steady hand my friend.
Tim van Woensel07-Dec-2007 15:04
Wonderful colors Eldar, spectacular looking frog! Voted.
Guest 07-Dec-2007 07:23
Waoo !! Awesome colors with DOF well managed. Big V. Patrick
Eldar Kadymov07-Dec-2007 01:50
I am still not sure who was visiting whom, but one thing is for sure, it's best image of this dignified frog known to human beings, ahahahaahahahaa
Gus Rosenfeld06-Dec-2007 23:12
What a bold image of this dignified creature. You must have great substance of character to wear a suit of that color scheme, and not be declared a clown. The presence of this image has propelled him beyond the canvas and up to the status of visitor ;-) g