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Brian McAllister | all galleries >> Galleries >> Plants & Flowers > Juxtaposed
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alfredo camba jr.29-Nov-2007 15:45
Delightful & very beautiful image!! Vote!!!
Jay Levin27-Nov-2007 21:34
Outstanding composition, color, and background, Brian. Terrific shot. Vote
viljamix26-Nov-2007 19:48
Nicely composed with beautiful bg.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey26-Nov-2007 15:37
Oh yes, in the original size we see every tuft of whatever-it-is! Beautiful compo and choice of subject, Brian.
Simon Chandler26-Nov-2007 07:44
Excellent juxtaposition, does make me think. v
Jean D26-Nov-2007 02:23
Excellent plant shot to make us look forward to spring, Brian, after all the white stuff dumped on us recently!
Fong Lam26-Nov-2007 01:01
Interesting plants beautifully captured.
Excellent bokeh ~V~
fdt25-Nov-2007 17:49
Beautiful capture! f
Jess. ( Lady.D.)25-Nov-2007 17:45
Well done composition Brian, excellent detail and colour, great background...
Vince25-Nov-2007 13:35
This is absolutely great image. Sharpness and high level of detail. Great colors too. Vote.
Marcia Colelli25-Nov-2007 13:04
very nice detail, great composition, love the touch of red v
Guest 25-Nov-2007 12:31
Super sharp and attractive. V
monil25-Nov-2007 12:07
very nice composition.
laine8225-Nov-2007 09:20
Not sure what I'm looking at outside of the hips, but it's sharp as a tack !!
Robin Reid25-Nov-2007 06:59
Great focus and dof.. this one pops
Dave Wixx25-Nov-2007 05:33
Lovely simple subject, excellent exposure and dof.