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10 november

"A Friend To Me"

Well you and I
We're buddies
And we've been since we first met
Me and you
Well we've sure been through
Our share of laughter and regret

Lord knows we've had our bad days
And more than once we've disagreed
But you've always been a friend to me

You can be so stubborn
There's times I think you just like to fight
And I hope and pray
I live to see a day
When you say I might be right

And there's times I'd rather kill you
Than listen to your honesty
But you've always been a friend to me

You've always been
Time and again
The one to take my hand
And show to me it's okay to be
Just the way I am
With no apology

Oh you've always been
And you will 'til God knows when
Yes you've always been a friend to me

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Jola Dziubinska11-Nov-2007 23:34
Very nicely done, delicate image.
j>a>e>17 :):):)11-Nov-2007 02:04
magical kid zest grants me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsome tunes o'glee neato nina of nifty nature :):):) a definite karing keepsake for your kids :):):) "17" miles of smiles back for you all :):):)
Barbara Heide11-Nov-2007 00:10
very nice!
Johnny Rasmussen10-Nov-2007 20:28
Denne var kjempefin! ~V~
Carolyn Rasmussen10-Nov-2007 12:15
Artig! Er det Mikaela? :)
Guest 10-Nov-2007 12:06
Har du kjøpt singstar???:-)
Máire Uí Mhaicín10-Nov-2007 11:46
Lovely treatment Nina! It has an ethereal quality.-v-