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nina | all galleries >> challenge_2007 >> november > 11NOVEMBER
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"We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving
There's a choice we're making, we're saving our own lives
It's true we make a better day, just you and me......."

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Colin Clarke14-Nov-2007 00:14
Nina! Great image of a lovely family. But what is that ... white sand??

(Greetings from sunny South Carolina...)
Jason Anderson12-Nov-2007 18:29
Looks like the fun has begun already a quarter of a world away...I know you'll remember to send some winter this way shortly ;o)
j>a>e>17 :):):)12-Nov-2007 01:34
four fun flipped out wonders of winter dive into snowy dreams as they dare to just be AWESOME :):):) thanx neato nina of nifty nature for your seasonal song of silly smiles :):):)
Jola Dziubinska11-Nov-2007 23:29
Very nice and cheerful.
Guest 11-Nov-2007 20:14
Vinter.............her plaske det ned,hvis æ høre rett...hehe
Men du vet hørsellen min!!!
Ant høre æ feil,bare pc,n som dure!!;-)
Máire Uí Mhaicín11-Nov-2007 18:02
A lovely capture of children's enjoyment of snow. -v-
Johnny Rasmussen11-Nov-2007 16:23
Du verden, dåkker har sannelig fått en del sne allerede. Her har det regnet bort igjen, det lille som kom. Det e bra dem e ute å leke og har det artig.
Carolyn Rasmussen11-Nov-2007 12:46
Hei Lukas, Joshua, Mikaela og Nikolas!! Er det ikke artig med sne? :)
Barbara Heide11-Nov-2007 12:31
love this song! nice lively shot!