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Milos Markovic | all galleries >> Flora & Fauna >> Floral world > Eden.jpg
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poetry66622-Apr-2009 21:54
A terrific composition with wonderful lighting and subject Milos.BV My friend.!
Jose Maria Patricio03-Dec-2007 21:14
Very nice composition. Live colors, wonderful light behind those red,, nice picture. Thank you Milos for that one.
Chris Spracklen24-Nov-2007 21:44
Beautiful light and colours, Milos.
Excellent d.o.f., too.
Kind regards, Chris
Yiannis Pavlis25-Oct-2007 04:50
You have seen your composition beautifully.V
QUERIDO23-Oct-2007 06:31
Very nice shot,vote
Terri Steele23-Oct-2007 03:22
Gorgeous color and dof! ;)
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe23-Oct-2007 03:04
Great composition. Perfect ...
Marcia Colelli22-Oct-2007 23:44
beautiful colors and very romantic composition V
Carolyn Rasmussen22-Oct-2007 22:54
Warm, rich colors! Beautiful composition. V
CIS22-Oct-2007 22:31
How beautiful and romantic!
Linda Matta22-Oct-2007 22:09
Very nicely composed.
laine8222-Oct-2007 21:46
Delightful composition ~vote
Jola Dziubinska22-Oct-2007 21:10
Like a fine painting, excelent colors and DOF, vote.
Marijka22-Oct-2007 20:59
Art or photography--or what is the difference :)??
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