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Theo Bögels | all galleries >> Galleries >> It's a dog's life >
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Nikon D200
1/320s f/13.0 at 36.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pawel Kazmierczyk18-Jan-2016 21:43
iconic capture. bravo!
Alexander Kazakov12-Jul-2015 18:37
Excellent! V
olivier bruning30-May-2015 19:50
erg mooi, fraaie compo! V
Marjan Schavemaker26-May-2015 21:05
Heel mooie sferische foto, Theo! V
Maarten van Dijk27-Sep-2013 14:48
1. Perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred. :)

Mooi Marjan!
Gervan02-Aug-2013 06:12
Prachtige sfeervolle landschapsfoto. V.
alfredo camba jr.03-May-2013 09:58
So beautiful!! I like this image! V
Jeanne Newman21-Jan-2012 22:02
This is a wonderfully shot image. The DOF is perfect. Such a lovely, lovely design! v.