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Glenn D. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Along the Way - Here, there, everywhere! > My Best Friend.
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My Best Friend.

Today (July 2007) is two years since Nala's passing. She had seen more of Saskatchewan in her two years here than most people have seen in a lifetime. She had seen almost every vator from Ridgeville, Manitoba to High Level, Alberta and all points in-between. She was so well trained to my photo habits that if she saw the camera bag by the backdoor she would get excited. Once, I tried going on a shorter day trip without her. When I started backing out of the driveway, she had popped up in the front window. Needless to say, she got to come along - as her spirit still rides along with me now.

Nikon Coolpix 8700
1/190s f/6.6 at 17.8mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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larose forest photos16-Aug-2020 17:33
Beautiful dog and a great tribute to her. My dog too used to come everywhere with me, exploring new places, but now too old for that :-(( You have great memories of your beautiful girl. VV
Dennis Hoyne19-May-2020 03:27
She was a beautiful girl! A wonderful portrait.
globalgadabout07-May-2020 23:07
and there she is in vator country, suitably sharp eyed for a photographer's shooting buddy...such an endearing image..
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)16-Nov-2019 22:20
Nice catch.V
Dave Petersen Photography30-Oct-2019 20:40
My heart feels for you as I know and appreciate the love and companionship of a terrific dog. Such a beautiful portrait Glenn. Dogs are not just friends, they are family. I hope you can begin a journey with a new friend ay some point. There are so many dogs that need to be loved!!!! VV
pkocinski01-Apr-2019 12:17
Beautiful tribute to her.
Walter Otto Koenig20-Aug-2008 02:51
Great image to remember your beautiful best friend. An excellent shot and wonderful heartfelt words. "V"
B. Shortall - BCS Photography10-Oct-2007 15:28
Great image.. Great memories. I have found that you might get a new dog - but she will never be replaced!
Marni J. Bradford28-Jul-2007 17:31
The impact a dog can have on our life is simply amazing, and you captured her beautifully Glenn. I love the composition. V
Lee G23-Jul-2007 21:39
Wonderful shot! She was a beautiful animal Glenn. It's tough to lose such a friend. Like Mike, I hope you decide to introduce a new roadmate to your adventures.
Mike Stobbs23-Jul-2007 21:34
What a fitting image to remember her by's time to look for a new roadmate....GMV...Mike
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