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Bernsmo | all galleries >> Large gulls >> Caspian Gull >> 2 cy > Kaspisk trut - Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans)
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Kaspisk trut - Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans)


2 cy - 1st winter/summer. Ringed as pullus 2006.06.06 at Jankowice gravel-pit, Zator, south Poland. There are no records of Herring Gulls in this colony in contrast to other colonies along the Wisla river, inland Poland, with mixed pairs and frequent hybridisation. This bird was first read at Simrishamn 2006.09.02 and one could guess that it has spent the winter in the northern Baltic waters.

Contax U4R Digital
1/250s f/2.8 at 17.4mm iso50 full exif

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