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All Cameras >> Contax >> Contax U4R Digital

Contax U4R Digital Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 27-Sep-2004
Lens Mount: Fixed
Lens: Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T*
Megapixels: 4
Random Contax U4R Digital Samples from 2679 available Photos more
g4/49/818749/3/90695004.DINLbWHN.jpg g3/49/818749/3/90543095.vrdZW5EJ.jpg g6/02/786002/3/81937291.IIApToZr.jpg g1/02/786002/3/114720925.ZoJ572z0.jpg
g6/49/818749/3/90340550.UJPrdVjC.jpg g6/02/786002/3/86456303.inkZq7yO.jpg g6/11/675111/3/76838343.CEXLqTbP.jpg g6/26/293026/3/77540438.dACuIRkI.jpg
g13/02/786002/3/174396906.d96e9d52.JPEG g4/49/818749/3/90732223.ifEdPrXk.jpg g3/11/675111/3/111821059.UiEzMfNB.jpg g1/11/675111/3/110636650.yzBy2e3Z.jpg

lisaduga02-May-2014 09:58

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Igor Uhrovic18-Sep-2007 19:00
There are shots made with this camera on pbase. Why they don't show up in search ?
You can see them here :

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