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Barry Green Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> British scenery > bluebells in spring 2007
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23 Apr 2007 © Barry Green

bluebells in spring 2007

Photo: Bluebells carpet the woods at Cliveden Estate in Buckinghamshire.

Bluebells are wild flowers which bloom late April carpeting woodlands in vibrant colour. This is a unique and special time in Britain as 70% of bluebells on planet earth are to be found in this country.

The 'common bluebell' is native to the British Isles, Netherlands, Belgium, and France France. The 'common bluebell' is replaced in Iberia by a similar 'spanish bluebell' which has flowerbells growing both sides of the stem. The common variety has flowers on one side only.

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Guest 03-Jun-2009 10:22
wonderful green
Bill Robinson20-Oct-2007 00:40
Herb 14-May-2007 02:38
Nice image
Michal Zaleski13-May-2007 16:59
Beautiful shot! I am on a lookout for a similar type location but with no luck so far.
ofer zilberstein13-May-2007 16:37
Great shot and colors
Gordon W13-May-2007 15:55
Very nice!
Graham Tomlin13-May-2007 15:46
lovely regards Helen