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Dave Beedon | all galleries >> Places >> Utah >> Moab (environs) >> Negro Bill Canyon ("NBC") >> Negro Bill Canyon Itself > Stick Boy---one of "Moab's Most Wanted"
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Stick Boy---one of "Moab's Most Wanted"

Negro Bill Canyon (near Moab, Utah) view map

The general public is asked to report any sightings of this person to the local police. He is an out-of-state slacker who visits Moab to get high.

DO NOT APPROACH THIS MAN, as he is known to be frequently intoxicated by exposure to the sandstone terrain of southeastern Utah. Anyone who interacts with him while he is in this condition will be forced to listen for hours to overblown descriptions of his treks among the canyons and fins around Moab. Even worse, the stories (none of which can be verified) are laced with references to nonsensical concepts such as “becoming one with the sandstone.” The pain of exposure to such ramblings is unimaginable and thus he is considered a public menace.

This person lacks common standards of decency. He has been seen on numerous occasions in the Moab Information Center, soaking up as much information as possible without paying for it. His face is usually obscured by sunglasses having large lenses, a sure sign that he has something to hide. All this points to unsociability.

The anonymous hiker who took this picture was completely unaware of the danger he faced and was lucky to escape unharmed (the landscape-trek sermon he got was only ten minutes long). The next person to encounter him might not be so fortunate.

Average height and weight; brown hair; brown eyes (often bloodshot from sandstone intoxication); usually wears a white sun hat and brightly-colored long-sleeved shirts. He is rarely seen without sunglasses and often carries a bamboo hiking stick having colored markings every 12 inches (30cm), which is used to provide scale in photographs.

Too frightening to present here.



Nikon D100 ,Nikkor 20mm f/2.8 AF
1/320s f/11.0 at 20.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dave Beedon17-Nov-2007 05:17
Joe is an "accomplice" only in the sense that he is with me all the time. Although he enjoys the feel of high-friction sandstone, he doesn’t let it go to his head. He has never been involved with, or suspected of, any wrongdoing. I have dismissed as a cruel hoax the rumors that people think he has questionable judgment about whom he serves. He continues his role of support with honor and distinction, as demonstrated here: .
The Third Side17-Nov-2007 04:11
So, does this now make Joe Tripod an "accomplice"?
Dave Beedon24-Dec-2006 03:21
Lee, there is nothing to fear but fear itself---and the person you linked to.
Lee G24-Dec-2006 03:14
I would only be feared for myself if he came at me dressed like this. ..
Guest 24-Dec-2006 02:55
Dave, does he usually shoot to kill, or only to capture? There's a waiter at my local diner that call himself "Biscuit Boy." There's another alias he could use if he runs out of them.
Guest 22-Dec-2006 22:13
Now there's a man who really DOES look in charge of his own destiny, particularly while carrying that stick!
I'm not reporting him to the police though without the offer of police protection first!
Gary Winters22-Dec-2006 21:42
OMG. I had the opporunity to shoot this man a few years back and hesitated. If I had only known!
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