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27-NOV-2006 Deborah Lewis

Sidewalk Chalk

New Freedom, PA

Scooter-Bug spent several hours today with Grandpops
and this is what I found in the driveway when I
arrived home this evening.
Looks like they had a great day!

Casio EX-Z850
1/100s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
ML02-Dec-2006 00:34
How cute!So sweet!
Jen Bixler28-Nov-2006 02:21
Me too, Pops!
Jen Bixler28-Nov-2006 01:01
"Great photo" ~Quote from SB!
Dan Chusid28-Nov-2006 00:04
Good thing you captured it, since you never know
when it's going to rain (like it's been doing here today
on and off).
Lee G28-Nov-2006 00:01
The best graffiti there is! Art from the heart.
R. Walls27-Nov-2006 23:38
Now that will make someones day! I'd be willing to bet it put a smile on your face too!
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