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Casio EX-Z850 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 26-Feb-2006
Lens Mount: Fixed
Lens: 7.9-23.7mm f/2.8-5.1
Megapixels: 8.1
Random Casio EX-Z850 Samples from 1503 available Photos more
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James Clarke26-Nov-2006 12:35
Bought this as a small pocket camera I can keep on me all the time, my other Camera is a Nikon D50.

The build quality of this camera is fantastic it feels very solid, and the big bright screen always is impresses my friends.

Good Points: Build Quality, Manual Controls are easily accessed, Vivid Colours in Images (after tweaking the settings), very user friendly menu, ultra portable (I bought the optional leather belt pouch), big screen, lots of fun.

Bad Points: Not much control over depth of field (but, better than some other small digital cameras), highlights blow out sometimes (need to stop down), bright scenes tend to over exposure by 1/3 of stop (some reviewers have noticed this too), default settings not so vivid, difficult to get focus right when using view finder rather than screen, zoom a bit too responsive.

See my first concert shoot using the EX-Z850

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