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Nunes BEIRAO - PHOTO | all galleries >> IMAGINARIUM >> THROUGH THE LANDS OF PORTO WINE > Vila Nova de Gaia
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24-NOV-2006 Nunes BEIRAO

Vila Nova de Gaia

Porto - Portugal

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Apostolos Tikopoulos06-Jul-2012 18:46
fantastic and so creative composition. V.
Tom Briggs13-Feb-2012 13:07
Great composition, Nunes ... v
carabias03-Aug-2007 17:31
Bellísima foto >>V***
Jean Chiasson26-Feb-2007 01:14
Very nice image vote
Martha Albuquerque02-Feb-2007 18:30
Que imagem linda! As cores das casinhas no morro em relação ao poste de luz tão bonito fazem-na uma graciosa composição. Votada.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 14:19
Great compo and stunning colors
Yiannis Pavlis10-Dec-2006 14:49
excellent composition Nunes.for one more time great post work.V.
veraferia29-Nov-2006 20:48
Linda composição!Foreground and background perfeitos.