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23-SEP-2006 Deborah Lewis

Funnel Cake

New Freedom Fest

Doug, just in case you didn't get any funnel cake yesterday! Never saw the lard balls!

Casio EX-Z850
1/400s f/4.0 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
beverley harrison16-Oct-2006 07:19
never heard of it or seen one, but it looks soooo good!!
Monte Dodge27-Sep-2006 15:13
Nice,,, cute shot here!! V
Guy Dube27-Sep-2006 02:28
It tastes good, Deborah! Nice shot!
Best regards
Jen Bixler26-Sep-2006 01:45

And no Pete, I did NOT eat my daughter's arm ;o)
But, I did eat some of that funnel cake!
virginiacoastline25-Sep-2006 23:22
wow . . total YUM . . hey . . .did Jen get anywhere near this ???? LOOK OUT! She might eat that cast(? or maybe bandage ?) if it gets in her way! LOL! JUST KIDDING!!
Lee G25-Sep-2006 19:38
MMMmmmmm funnel cake is sooo good! Cute shot!!
ML25-Sep-2006 18:08
Woo I love funnel cake!!! Looks like someone is really getting ready to dig in!
Bryan Ramsay25-Sep-2006 01:01
Have sone great color and texture! Very nice shot! GMV -BJ
R. Walls24-Sep-2006 19:42
Looks like carnival season is in full swing. Miss those fall cativities! What the heck, I miss fall period!
Doug Kessler24-Sep-2006 17:14
So that powdered sugar is going to add to the ambiance of the heavily decorated cast : )
I didn't have a funnel cake but opted for the deep fried Twinkie.
Dan Chusid24-Sep-2006 17:00
Yum! My fave junk food I think.

PS: Looks like Aud's ready for a re-greening!
: )
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