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University Avenue

Aside from not leveling the horizon, I made a mistake
processing this image, and didn't realize until I was
finished, and then I was too lazy to start over.
Can you spot it?

I shall reveal all tomorrow!

The picture was taken through my windshield as I drove, btw.
That's why it's a bit hazy -- blame my dirty windshield!

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/400s f/8.0 at 112.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
snootydog05-Aug-2006 02:10
The mistaken sliver is too difficult to confirm in this small size. It looks almost like stacked buildings there, similar to the stacked red roofs on the left. Your mistake will stay unseen unless someone who knows the neighborhood takes a look.

When I looked at this the first time I was going to tell you that if you leveled the horizon you would throw that beautifully straight building on the right out of alignment so its best you keep the horizon as is. Little did I know that the building didn't start that straight.
BAS Photography03-Aug-2006 16:59
Great shot and processing! ~V~
Dan Chusid03-Aug-2006 06:02
If anyone would know it would be me but I better
not say.
That's looking west from my old neighborhood
up to Park Blvd. I've photographed that bridge on
several occasions.
Karen Leaf03-Aug-2006 04:41
Clueless in Connecticut
Pepe Zyman03-Aug-2006 02:52
I won't be able to sleep tonight!!!!!!!
Mindy McNaugher03-Aug-2006 02:08
Your windshield is cleaner than mine! ;-) Very cool shot! Like it alot! Vote!
carol j. phipps03-Aug-2006 02:03
Looks similar to Lombard street in San Francisco.
Herb 03-Aug-2006 00:24
Nice shot
Greg Harp02-Aug-2006 22:52
Nice street candid... I couldn't see what's wrong with the image but I've got a headache from trying....
laine8202-Aug-2006 22:10
Did Mel Gibson paint those white lines do you think :>)
Jay Levin02-Aug-2006 21:27
This isn't fair making us wait 24 hours. What if I'm not near my computer tomorrow? I might have an anxiety attack in the meantime!
Guest 02-Aug-2006 20:23
The road looks very interesting with Sss shape. and Hmm I couldn't see it what's wrong with the photo.. :) but I like it, that's the beauty and art of photography.
Dave Beedon02-Aug-2006 18:05
Gary, the bridge is beautiful---is it a street or railroad?
Stupid me: I thought that San Diego was flat as a pancake. Those tiered red roofs are cool. By the way, you need not shoulder the blame for the tilted horizon: the cause was most likely a magnetic anomaly---did your car slow down inexplicably?
royalld02-Aug-2006 17:14
I would have never seen the distortion if you
didn't prompt me to look through the image for about six minutes.
What caused that? Were you working in layers?
Guest 02-Aug-2006 15:32
The lines at the street are like that? making S?
Robin Reid02-Aug-2006 15:17
No clue, and I like the shot alot.
Bob Floyd02-Aug-2006 15:03
I got nothing. No clue. Nada. So you going to tell us?
The shot looks fine to me, btw. Even the horizon. The verticals in this are all pretty straight up and down so the tilted horizon looks right to me.
Guest 02-Aug-2006 14:32
I have no idea except you're about to run a red light? :-)
Gary Blanchette02-Aug-2006 12:20
It seems the light source (sun) in the image is coming from the left, while the shadow behind the image was created by a light source coming from the right. Probably not the mistake, but just something that stood out to me.
Guest 02-Aug-2006 10:20
So are you heading to the liquor store? ;-)
Guest 02-Aug-2006 09:51
No clue Gary
I spent considerable time looking too!! lol
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