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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> The beauty of insects (11 subgalleries)! >> Butterflies and Moths - 5 subgalleries >> Moths . > Heart and dagger moth!
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Heart and dagger moth!

Fast moving fast feeding moth on my Budleia! This is called heart and dagger due to its unusual markings on its wings!

Canon EOS 20D
1/60th sec, f5.6, ISO 200,
100mm Macro full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
nordic09-Jul-2006 21:43
Excellent capture
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik07-Jul-2006 15:08
Handsome critter. Well captured. Nice how you can find so many mothes during the day! Sandy
Sheila05-Jul-2006 23:28
That is a very pretty moth. (You are good with insect names, but who is Bev kidding LOL )
Pepe Zyman05-Jul-2006 20:29
Very cool catch!
Johnny JAG05-Jul-2006 19:44
Lovely detail.
beverley harrison05-Jul-2006 19:28
gorgeous!! and its eating your buddleia globosa!!
Scott Browne05-Jul-2006 19:18
Excellent texture and detail.
Graham Tomlin05-Jul-2006 19:11
fab find and capture regards Helen
Lee Rudd05-Jul-2006 19:05
very pretty moth! lovely capture
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