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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> The beauty of insects (11 subgalleries)! >> Butterflies and Moths - 5 subgalleries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Butterflies and Moths - 5 subgalleries

My favourite insects, Ive even devoted my garden to them, every plant is Butterfly or moth friendly!
I have divided up my butterfly and moth galleries into their classifications as I have so many images, so feel free to browse them in your own time.
I will be updating all the galleries on a regular basis.

Browns ; family Satyridae
:: Browns ; family Satyridae ::
White and Yellow Butterflies ; Family Pieridae
:: White and Yellow Butterflies ; Family Pieridae ::
Vanessids and Fritillaries :Family Nymphalidae
:: Vanessids and Fritillaries :Family Nymphalidae ::
Moths .
:: Moths . ::
:: Caterpillars ::