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Carole Stevens | profile | all galleries >> The beauty of insects (11 subgalleries)! >> Butterflies and Moths - 5 subgalleries >> Vanessids and Fritillaries :Family Nymphalidae tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Vanessids and Fritillaries :Family Nymphalidae

This family are large butterflies.
The front legs are small and have tufts of hair-like scales, so are sometimes called brush footed butterflies.
Many of the caterpillars bear branched spines.
15 species breed in the UK and 3 more are regular visitors from the continent.
It includes the Peacock, Red admiral, Painted lady, Small and large Tortoishell, Comma, to name a few.

Beauty and the beast!
Beauty and the beast!
Painted lady close-up!
Painted lady close-up!
Painted lady - Vanessa cardui
Painted lady - Vanessa cardui
Painted lady and Medow brown back to back.
Painted lady and Medow brown back to back.
Painted lady and the hoverfly.
Painted lady and the hoverfly.
Peacock butterfly!
Peacock butterfly!
Portrait of a peacock butterfly!
Portrait of a peacock butterfly!
The complete Peacock Butterfly!
The complete Peacock Butterfly!
Peacock Butterfly wing!
Peacock Butterfly wing!
Peacock drinking the nectar!
Peacock drinking the nectar!
Up and under!
Up and under!
Camoflaged Peacock!
Camoflaged Peacock!
Peacock Butterfly!
Peacock Butterfly!
Peacock - Inachi io
Peacock - Inachi io
Small tortoiseshell butterfly on brambles.
Small tortoiseshell butterfly on brambles.
Painted lady - Vanessa cardui !
Painted lady - Vanessa cardui !
Painted lady feeding - Vanessa cardui !
Painted lady feeding - Vanessa cardui !
Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta !
Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta !
Red admiral - Vanessa atalanta  !
Red admiral - Vanessa atalanta !
Red admiral - Vanessa atalanta !
Red admiral - Vanessa atalanta !
Small tortoishell viewed through the brambles-  Aglais urticae
Small tortoishell viewed through the brambles- Aglais urticae
Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui !
Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui !
 Frittilary species.
Frittilary species.
Painted Lady butterfly - Vanessa cardui
Painted Lady butterfly - Vanessa cardui
Comma feeding - Polygonia c-album
Comma feeding - Polygonia c-album
Comma - Polygonia c-album
Comma - Polygonia c-album
Small tortoishell - Aglais urticae
Small tortoishell - Aglais urticae
Small tortoishell  feeding- Aglais urticae
Small tortoishell feeding- Aglais urticae
Peacock Butterflies.
:: Peacock Butterflies. ::