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Jack Hoying | all galleries >> Photos from our Trips >> California 2006 >> Yosemite Valley, Tuolumne Meadows, Mono Lake > Buck deer in Yosemite Valley
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Buck deer in Yosemite Valley

Nikon D200
1/250s f/8.0 at 70.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 04-Jul-2006 02:11
beautiful shot...looks like velvet
martyn george (Hedonic3000)02-Jul-2006 17:24
Nice shot, i like the softness.
Steve Thuman01-Jul-2006 14:17
Nice sharp detail!
Dirck Brinckerhoff01-Jul-2006 06:12
You were pretty close, or this is a big crop. Nice.
v c bacon30-Jun-2006 14:29
Handsome dude!
fotabug30-Jun-2006 13:47
Beautiful shot, great lighting on the deer's face