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Debbie B. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yosemite > ElCapitan 4-26-6
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ElCapitan 4-26-6

Had to go back a few weeks for a picture.

Canon EOS 20D
1/320s f/13.0 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Greg Harp03-May-2006 04:22
Superb shot.
Guest 27-Apr-2006 15:20
Outstanding shot. It's extremely beautiful and you captured it.
Bryan Murahashi27-Apr-2006 15:16
Beautiful shot of this majestic cliff and Ribbon Falls.
Beverly Wickersham27-Apr-2006 13:31
Beautiful shot. Hope to get there some day.
Guest 27-Apr-2006 12:10
A beautiful image with a nice sky and clouds
Herb 27-Apr-2006 11:26
Nice shot