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Debbie B. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yosemite > Bridelveil from Tunnelview 4-20-6
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Bridelveil from Tunnelview 4-20-6

Still going through Yosemite pics, I processed this one tonight.

Canon EOS 20D
1/25s f/14.0 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Monte Dodge07-May-2006 20:55
Poster shot. voted.. love the shadow action
Greg Harp23-Apr-2006 03:15
Gorgeous view--nice shot.
lou_rozensteins21-Apr-2006 23:30
An excellent viewpoint, and great light. Well done.
Guest 21-Apr-2006 12:26
Fantastic shot, it's great. GMV
Jola Dziubinska21-Apr-2006 07:54
Superb shot, terrific view.
Bryan Murahashi21-Apr-2006 03:01
Beautiful capture. Great to see all the water flowing down. GMV.
Herb 21-Apr-2006 02:48
Nice shot
Guest 21-Apr-2006 02:28
Gorgeous image, Debbie