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Shirley Wang | all galleries >> North Carolina >> The Ever-booming Industry > Working late
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12-APR-2006 Xianghong Shirley Wang

Working late

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30
1/250s f/11.0 at 15.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
daanstringer.com30-Jul-2007 18:53
love it
Pedro Libório20-May-2007 17:34
quite a fantastic shot you have here.
Guest 20-Aug-2006 23:42
running out of time (light)
excellent image
Alida Thorpe20-May-2006 02:31
wonderful silhouette!!
George Christakos18-May-2006 16:17
Excellent work Shirley. Great silhouettes and atmospheric result. Bravo. V.
Dan Chusid09-May-2006 03:06
Beautiful capture in silhouette form.
Phil Douglis28-Apr-2006 23:40
This is the one I was thinking of -- it is so much more coherent and powerful than either of the similar images you have posted in your industrial gallery.
Phil Douglis21-Apr-2006 17:43
You use abstraction here to intensify the human values expressed in this image: exhaustion, teamwork, reflection.
Marvelous work, Shirley. Your new camera suits you well.
Guest 16-Apr-2006 14:03
I love this silhouette
Antonis Sarantos14-Apr-2006 19:53
Great silhouette!
Guest 14-Apr-2006 02:28
magnificent shot!
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