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Ana Carloto O'Shea | all galleries >> OLD WORK >> Seeing the World >> Mood > At the waterfront
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17-DEC-2005 Ana Carloto

At the waterfront

The city where I live isn't particulary pretty, but I like the waterfront a lot.
This is one of my favourites spots. I love to come here and watch the sun being "pulled away"
to the other side of the world...
Welcome to my secret spot :)

Sony DSC-H1
1/320s f/4.0 at 27.5mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Rick Roluf10-Jun-2006 04:34
Very nice gallery. Thanks for sharing...
Rob Rosetti15-May-2006 19:20
Stunning light, and great compo, with the flying gul. GMV. Roberto
ac14-May-2006 17:59
A great spot Ana
Mark Udstrand23-Feb-2006 06:08
Pure serenity.
Steven 21-Feb-2006 18:47
Paisagem MAGNIFIKA!!!!!!

Bem, tens Msmo Mto jeito!!
Tens aki Fotos Fabulosas...
Guest 28-Dec-2005 12:33
Lovely peaceful scene. The colours seem so warm, allthough it's probably cold! The rustic tower adds a lot to the atmosphere.
Guest 28-Dec-2005 09:10
muy buenas, esta es la que más me gusta
Pedro Libório27-Dec-2005 21:26
... amei !!!
Rob Oele24-Dec-2005 21:15
Oh Ana, this is so beautiful...
Greetings, Rob
Guest 24-Dec-2005 16:56
The bird flying low on the water makes this extra special. Very well done. All the colours are beautiful.
Sam_C24-Dec-2005 07:04
Ana, what a beautiful image! The scene, the bird, the ripples, and reflection of the water, the quality of the light...this is really fabulous! So many elements here, yet through your wonderful eyes, they all combine to evoke a peaceful mood in me. One of those moments you wished would last forever, but disappear all too soon. Perfectly captured by you. Thank you for sharing your secret spot! :0)
shatterbug22-Dec-2005 01:36
Peaceful setting! I like the light, and the bird and it's shadow! V.
Guest 21-Dec-2005 22:28
Simplesmente linda... O local deixou de ser secreto.... :)
Com fotos assim, o Barreiro ainda passa a atracção turística...
Sean Blumenhein21-Dec-2005 21:54
Thank you for bringing us with you, I have a few secret places I go as well, maybe I will share one of them sometime. I love the bird flying low, you caught him perfectly!
Kal Khogali21-Dec-2005 15:19
Amazing image Ana. Full of mood and details...I feel like you should do more landscapes...I can learn ;-)
Guest 21-Dec-2005 14:25
Sitting by the window.At my kitchen table.When the final rays are licking tangerine around the salt shaker and over the polished maple.I puff at a stray thread that disturbs the perfect sheen.Giving it wing.As it flies away along with my sorry hope.Of hand in hand along sunset sand.I cannot brush away the curtain clouds of reality.They insist on staining my view like purple bruises.And I defy them in my dream.Of that secret fire illuminating a shore with you.

~ tranquility struggles from chaos.always a worthy victory V!~
SRW21-Dec-2005 13:54
Wonderful evocation of mood and place... -- and that bird (and its reflection) are just beautiful....
Guest 21-Dec-2005 13:20
Fantastic secret spot.
Great mood Ana. Thanks for sharing.
...duncan21-Dec-2005 11:31
I see why you like it, beautiful. Well done shot and V.
Nunes BEIRAO - PHOTO21-Dec-2005 10:11
Neste seu tema, e até agora, esta é a imagem mais espectacular na minha opinião. Simplesmente muito bonita!!!
Sharon Rogers21-Dec-2005 09:25
Thankyou for sharing your secret, I can see why you like it. :=)
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