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Cecilia Lim | all galleries >> animals >> the wildlife of kenya > Take Out - Cycle of Life Part 1
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24 July 2004 Masai Mara National Reserve

Take Out - Cycle of Life Part 1

This image is the first of a 6-part series that illustrate the delicate balance in the natural ecosystem that exists here in the wild. Although a gazelle may look like the cutest most gentle little creature, it is just food for the predators, who see them as a crucial part of their survival. Here the mother cheetah has just hunted down a Thomson's Gazelle and dragged it home for her young cubs to feed on. These young cheetah cubs look keenly on the fresh kill - they may have had a meal just earlier today, or may have gone hungry without a meal for days. They are still too young to hunt and rely heavily on their mother who has to hunt & feed her whole family by herself.

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