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purpod | all galleries >> A Year >> Sometimes a PaD >> Nov. 2005 PaD > Palm
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C. Evans


Chatsworth, Ca

* 11-27-05 *

Here's the original. Funny that the one from yesterday was titled
after the changes I had done to it, & yet, it also was appropriate
for the chill in the air. Today is warmer as it my photograph :~P

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Steven Jusczyk28-Nov-2005 08:43
Nicely done. Took me a minute to put 2 + 2 together.
Coleen Perilloux Landry28-Nov-2005 01:04
Wonderful textures. Looks as though you could weave this into a basket or fan.
Josy's Pics27-Nov-2005 22:42
Very nice... I really love the textures... it's great to find beauty everywhere... that's the best thing about Pbase.
Gayle P. Clement27-Nov-2005 22:35
Great textures.
Dan Chusid27-Nov-2005 22:28
Tough subject...
good results.