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01062005 cat-hunting

what's that rustling noise in the bushes? is it rabbits? is it burglars?
or is it Ginger Tom?

P.S. Yes, it IS Pooch! He's not been cloned and you're not seeing double. This will be the
new home of our PAD once we've got organised... sorry for any confusion caused! :)

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laine02-Jun-2018 19:31
ahhhh the memories. I was in my second Pbase year then under my old name :)
Michael Todd Thorpe04-Jun-2005 16:49
Good job, Pooch...
joshishots02-Jun-2005 09:49
Hope you get all settled into the new home soon - have added your new home to my address book, will keep checking in!
Chris02-Jun-2005 05:25
You know, with the way the fence leans in just slightly...I would say Pooch isn't cat hunting, he's holding the fence up.
Guest 02-Jun-2005 01:00
Does he like or dislike cats? :-)
Yvonne02-Jun-2005 00:49
He means business there!!! Look out cat!
Larry Ahern01-Jun-2005 22:04
Get that damn cat!!
Rothesay01-Jun-2005 20:10
excellent catch! ;-)
laine8201-Jun-2005 19:50
I always knew you were a star in your own right Pooch. LOL!!, I'm still laughing at Andy's quote from the B.H. song...ah, those were the days when television comedy was all about fun. :>)
Randu01-Jun-2005 16:55
POOCH, New album? Cheers!
Zak01-Jun-2005 15:34
peeping on the neighbours heheh
Bryan Murahashi01-Jun-2005 14:50
Such a curious Pooch.
uofmtiger01-Jun-2005 14:43
He is one territorial pooch!
Gayle P. Clement01-Jun-2005 14:28
Pooch does his share in protecting you home, doesn't he.
Herb 01-Jun-2005 13:42
Not bad for low light.
northstar3701-Jun-2005 13:19
It's Ernie's ghostly gold-tops a rattling in their crate
Guest 01-Jun-2005 13:11
Nosey little Pooch :)
Gary Blanchette01-Jun-2005 13:07
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