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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 35mm f/2D AF

Nikkor 35mm f/2D AF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1995
Lens Mount: AF-D
Lens: 35mm f/2-22 ø52
Random Nikkor 35mm f/2D AF Samples from 3155 available Photos more
v3/51/341751/3/44881882.stb83.jpg g1/25/535225/3/81561773.5NhXT585.jpg g1/14/421314/3/109208689.x6XmsIfh.jpg g4/77/360177/3/140753001.x9Izy1qT.jpg
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Guest 21-Mar-2011 15:39
Its a great lens! I just wait for my copy.
Guest 11-Mar-2009 10:02
This is a good lens and one I used a lot until today... when I got my 35mm f/1.8 DX. Judging by reviews and the short test I just gave mine, the later is lighter, sharper and has better bokeh than the f/2, not to mention the benefits of the AFS focusing. 35mm is a very useful focal length to have on DX cameras, something Nikon has obviously realised.

Sorry to compare this to another lens, but the benefits of this lens (a high quality 'normal' 50mm field of view on DX cameras) are both somewhat amplified and overshadowed by the DX incarnation.
Harry Lavo02-Apr-2008 03:27
I guess I'm a tele man, but owning both the 50 1.4 and 85 1.8 as well as the 35 2, I find I use the 35 least. I do use it right under the basket when shooting basketball, and I will try to find more uses for it this summer. As the sample photos above suggest, it lends itself to "snapshooting" as a normal lens on a DX camera.
Guest 18-Feb-2008 14:07
Here are some of my experience with the Nikon 35mm F2 AFD lens which I purchased not too long ago... I am beginning to like it very much indeed, sharp and good colours and quite flare resistant.
James Clarke03-Jan-2008 04:22
Compared to the Nikkor AF 50/f1.8D the Nikkor AF 35/f2 is:-
Sharper in the f/2-5.6 range, but slightly less sharp above that
Better colours and contrast throughout the aperture range.

Here's some gig photos I took with the 35/f2, note they are all taken wide open at f/2:-
boliston29-Dec-2006 00:24
I got this lens as a christmas gift and it will be difficult to bring myself to remove it from my d70s! I have a the 17-55 zoom, but I love the way this lens is only a fraction of the weight and size of my zoom, and 35mm seems the ideal "standard" lens on a 1.5 crop sensor. I'm starting to get used to "zooming with my feet" as the saying goes...
Guest 12-Nov-2006 15:41
I am looking for some illustrative photos for a new AF Nikor site, IF anyone has a few good images to participate; feel free to submit and let me have a look, THANK YOU. please revert using my personal email leofoo (AT)
Guest 24-Aug-2006 15:51
I've always wondered why Nikon hasn't opted to issue a 35mm f1.4 AF Nikkor lens, since the manual focusing version has been regarded by many as among its finest optics. The slower 35mm f2 is a fine performer in its own right, though it does not equal the 35mm f1.4 with respect to fine contrast and resolution at its maximum lens aperture. This autofocus 35mm f2 Nikkor lens is based optically on . . .

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