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Gail Davison | all galleries >> Photo Galleries >> Walking in My Shoes >> PESO 2004 - 2008 >> 2004-2005 >> February 05 > 6 February 2005
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6 February 2005

I needed a lazy shot today because I've been quite busy and didn't really have time to play with my camera. But, you know what it's like, what started out as a quick shot seemed to take forever - I couldn't get the light to light up the hearts evenly , the background paper kept slipping etc etc here it is - the lazy shot!

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
2s f/13.0 at 55.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 08-Feb-2005 10:40
I think it's great, I like the movement of the hearts.
Giselle 07-Feb-2005 18:04
You call this lazy?! I love it- the colour contrast like the peppers in your kitchen!
Linda A07-Feb-2005 17:51
this is a nice shot...but your commentary makes me laugh - it's so true that when you are trying to trot off a shot quickly you end up getting embroiled in technical stuff.
Dominic Kite07-Feb-2005 13:30
Ahh the lazy shot - usually the one you need to put most effort into!
Guest 07-Feb-2005 06:49
Love the motion
John Finlayson06-Feb-2005 23:32
Great shot Gail, getting you in the mood for Valentine's !
Stu06-Feb-2005 22:59
This is very well done, Gail.
Guest 06-Feb-2005 22:58
Fluttering hearts. Very good. Love the story too.
Guest 06-Feb-2005 21:23
lazy worked for you..nice motion Gail
Guest 06-Feb-2005 20:38
Great colours and I like the motion. Very cool!
Guest 06-Feb-2005 19:50
Wonderful but you knew I would approve :-)
Your work never looks lazy to me Gail, I'm impressed!
Antonis Sarantos06-Feb-2005 19:27
Very nice picture Gail. Voted!
Guest 06-Feb-2005 19:12
very nice
Guest 06-Feb-2005 18:59
Very nice composition! I love the motion effect in this!
Yann Pindeler06-Feb-2005 18:56
Well done, the square fits well with the composition.
Guest 06-Feb-2005 18:50
Using 2 second exposure makes for a very nice effect.
Sheena Woodhead06-Feb-2005 18:30
Love the blurry hearts and the colour of the background. Nice composition too.
Gary Winters06-Feb-2005 18:09
I (heart) this image! :-)
Guest 06-Feb-2005 18:08
and fluttering
((i like it ...))
Ian Clowes06-Feb-2005 17:38
very nice :) like the blur!