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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro I > Leaf Blur
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Leaf Blur

Canon EOS D30
1s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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nige5012-Jul-2006 09:24
Speechless , voted
Donald Verger01-Dec-2005 19:05
i like this image a lot! poetic! glad to see others have found it alsoj!
kimberly borchardt04-Sep-2005 21:49
Very nice colors and texture contrasts. Interesting softening, and abstraction.
Guest 02-Sep-2005 00:57
love this one. very sensual with the shades of yellow.
Guest 27-May-2005 00:06
Very cool. Nice dof on this one. Makes a nice abstract as well.
Menno Alberts07-Mar-2005 23:44
I love this image! Very strong composition! 'A laka a looo' ;)
Shi Chen05-Mar-2005 14:44
Very abstract and very nice colors also. No other word to describe it...
Guest 12-Feb-2005 23:05
Like yr images when you express the "softer" angle. This one, "dying leaves" "leaves" (1st pic). "Inner Flower", and "Flower in backlight" especially caught my attention.
"Leaves (2nd pic)", and "White on Blue", don't really do the rest of this gallery justice, as I could probably do the same (on a good day).
But this one managed to emphasis the background colours without any pixel distortion. Simply put, it's a beautiful picture.