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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro I > Bubble Flowers
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Bubble Flowers

Canon EOS D30
1/8s f/4.0 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
nige5012-Jul-2006 09:23
Good idea look forwards to seeing more
Rene Hales22-Feb-2005 19:24
I played around with taking pictures with the flowers submerged in water. It did not work so well. I tried club soda to get bubbles. It was a lot of fun. I even tried colored sodas (e.g., gator aid power drink in blue). I think that would be worth going back to, but was pretty much a failure the first time I tried.--Rene
t t22-Feb-2005 16:20
beautiful image and gallery...i've never seen like this before.that pink flower blows my mind...