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Galina Stepanova | all galleries >> Gallery 2 >> TEXAS as is > Austin morning
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Austin morning

View from conference room

Canon PowerShot G2
1/50s f/3.5 at 12.5mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
shatterbug18-Dec-2010 20:48
Such an interesting shot with the reflections...terrific!
Guest 20-Aug-2005 19:40
I love this picture Galina, love how your reflection is mixed with this majestic view on the city. A wonderful idea, really well done.
Cristine Varney10-May-2005 19:19
What is it about reflections, that is so rich and appealing to me. I think it is the value added bonus of finding the images within the original. It is great fun for my eyes to discover all of the little bits and pieces that create the whole..
Splendid views! : )
Joe Vigliotta05-May-2005 05:02
Built in layers, that makes life easy.
I dont see no pickups down on the street. U sure this is Austin?
inti16-Mar-2005 22:00
I'm always fascinated by reflections.
This cityscape provides a perfect addition to your subject
.....or is it the other way round? ;-)
Great work friend..Rob
Guest 13-Mar-2005 21:06
Are you adding a little more urban balance?
Barri Olson11-Mar-2005 19:44
The photographer and subject...very well done!
Guest 06-Feb-2005 10:38

You have left your impression on Austin (I am sure in more ways than one!)
Guest 03-Feb-2005 12:15
Favorite here.
Could be the theme of a gallery. Double impressions of outside and inside...
Guest 07-Dec-2004 22:48
Original and nice work!