I’m a clumsy person. I can’t help it that’s just the way it is. I’ve always been the one who falls over, drops something, breaks something, knocks coffee or other stuff all over the PC……..you name it, I’ve done it when it comes to that sort of stuff.
I just don’t have any hand-eye coordination. That particular part of my being just didn’t get formed in the womb and I’ve not been able to develop the use of my senses to fill this particular need. So, I just have to get used to the fact that we’ve never got any matching glasses (because isn’t it just Sod’s Law that you never break the thing that doesn’t go with anything else, you break the thing that has been, hitherto, a part of a lovely set!)
This glass slipped through my fingers and smashed in the sink as I picked it up off the draining board when I OPENED the bottle of wine – now you see, everyone always thinks I drop stuff when I’ve had a glass of the red stuff but that’s simply not the case. In this case, as always, I dropped the glass on the way to filling it up, not after it’d been full and drained already.
My accidents are always because I’m not taking enough care with what I’m doing. This time I was trying to get a bottle of wine open before our supper went cold on the side. It’s quite common for me to be doing fourteen things at once and so I suppose it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that one of those things won’t turn out quite as I’d planned.
I’ve broken countless glasses and mugs in Cornwall because the floor there is so unforgiving that when something might bounce in the lovely cossety, carpet and underlay in the house here, down there – it’s the solid floor and nothing bounces!!!
I fall over routinely – I have lots of scars (and lots of ruined clothes) to prove it. I usually end up on my bum (if I’m lucky not in a cow pat or puddle) at least once when we’re out walking. DM gets this worried look on his face and holds out his hand and says ‘come on you, are you OK?’ Mostly it’s just my pride that has suffered but just occasionally it’s more.
So this glass, freshly broken and photographed, is a celebration of an essential part of me – my clumsiness.