the shadows indicate the day is still young, sun is high in the sky, perhaps warm...the youngster's head is a bit heavy as he looks up at you, mildly curious, but resigned to being the observed from several quarters...a fish in a fishbowl, maybe? any rate, the sketch is slowly building a likeness in general terms while your camera seizes his instances....pressured bottle, contained hands, locked-in knees, pursed mouth, forward-leaning head, the boy certainly has learned many 'hold-that-position' behaviours. Long days in the stroller...
The grass line across his eye-line is subtle and clean...obviously his eyes are most interesting...
I see a duality here - as I did in "Peace of Mind" - The artist is trying to make permanent the image of the boy. The boy, whose expression speaks of a wish to get on with life, represents for me the life - he is just aching to move - to grow - he even has the water to fuel this growth.
18-Nov-2004 15:51
The contrast between reality and imagination is fantastic, poor boy looks like he has been sitting there for way too long, he is so unhappy and bored, the boy on the drawing on the other hand is full of spank and interest. I like how you divided the space efenly to the reality and imagination, also the fact that you have shown only the hands of the artist, just enough to show us what's going on without cluttering the image.
B&W works great again.