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April 19, 2004

The worst part of college was always the examination. I've concluded that the worst part of teaching my class is the examination as well. These are new tests that I wrote, and I'm writing these tests based on my own legal knowledge in light of what we're doing in class. As such, the answers will reflect what the students have learned...meaning the answers will be different than what I would do personally. So for each essay exam, I have to look for the best answer in the class and use that as a standard.

Not easy!

So...what do I do? I postpone. And postpone. And now here I am, having procrastinated to the "nth degree" and boy am I feeling the crunch for the Thursday night class. I can't wait for summer! Whoooo!

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/50s f/5.0 at 34.0mm iso200 full exif

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Selvin Chance26-Apr-2004 10:22
That's a lot of soul searching about a test or tests in general. My vocation is actually testing. Yes, I create or help to create those questions that drive some people insane and yet for some they become challenges to be relished like climbing another mountain.

I once saw a professional colleague of mine with a business card that he half jokingly had printed.
"H.D. Hoover
I make tests"
In one brief phrase he had declared the love of his life.

I wish I could do the same sometime. Capture one's essence in a brief concise phrase.
But then again maybe we are more than just brief simple phrases.

Lovely juxtaposition of the rose. Perhaps you were contemplating some thorny issue? (:-]

Carolyn B.21-Apr-2004 04:38
Oh Pete, you've brought out something here I didn't even think of! And it's true! I'm always looking for ways to help these students out...definitely trying to soften the blow. LOL!

Thank you everyone. It's always so nice to read your thoughts. :)
virginiacoastline21-Apr-2004 02:10
the rose shows you have feeling for the students . . .if you just wanted to add "interest" you could have used a pen, a pencil, or a cup of coffee. Without diagnosing anything you just instinctively used something the softened the blow. SEE! You're using this excellent decade and you didn't even KNOW it!! It all falls into place =)
Guest 21-Apr-2004 01:20
Very nice composition, good luck!
Larry Ahern21-Apr-2004 00:50
I don't envy you ... but I really like the picture.
Guest 21-Apr-2004 00:41
Love the addition of the rose. Good luck!!
Guest 21-Apr-2004 00:30
Ya know, I gave a professor a rose once to get a better grade.....HE didn't appreciate the effort! LOL Nice composition.
jypsee21-Apr-2004 00:28
Yah, but just won't have to make up a test for the next time you teach this course. Nice rose for such a thorny issue..hahahahaha!
DeMorcan21-Apr-2004 00:20
The single rose really does make an attractive photo.
Guest 20-Apr-2004 23:36
the rose is so simple, just like test aren't!
Carolyn B.20-Apr-2004 23:23
Thanks, Larry. :) I added the rose because the papers alone looked rather dull!
Guest 20-Apr-2004 23:01
Nice touch with the rose. test, test, test - I am glad those days are over!