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Jennifer Zhou | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cityscape > Chairman Deng Garden, Shenzhen, China, 2004
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Chairman Deng Garden, Shenzhen, China, 2004

Canon EOS 10D
1/25s f/7.1 at 20.0mm iso100 full exif

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Guest 13-Jan-2005 18:55
On one hand, this makes me think of a shrine with the mighty figure (don't know who he is) and all the flowers sorrounding him. But then it is incongruent the beautifullness of the flowers with the city showed in the background, as far as I know, for the moment the streets and buildings are done by portland and tar not by flowers, though in the other hand it seems that they whant us to think it is like a heaven, totaly idealistic all together loveley flowers that fill the city of charm with new marvelous building and a loveley sky, even if you whant you have the paternalistic figure in this old man. A good marketing thought I have to say, pitie that reality is not that beautyfull.
Tasty Orange18-Oct-2004 03:34
That Chinese man is really big. Is he going to eat all those flowers?
Phil Douglis02-Oct-2004 05:39
Phil Douglis02-Oct-2004 05:39
I somehow missed this, Jen. It is shocking to me. Surrealistic color and incongruous juxtaposition of the work of man against the work of nature. Wonderfully expressed with your wideangle's vertical perspective.
Guest 16-Aug-2004 14:55
This is a great image that plays with our perception of reality. Wonderful crop.
Guest 22-Mar-2004 04:29
deng looks like my grandmother
Guest 09-Mar-2004 03:12
Shenzen is an Emerald City in my impression...such statement architecture happening.
Your colours are very stated. Exciting. It's like you found photography steroids. : )
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