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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Yesteryear >
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Tom LeRoy28-Jan-2025 12:44
Excellent processing. I am old enough to remember post offices like this one. v
Dan Opdal28-Jan-2025 03:29
Great find and great shot. Very nicely done! V
Marcia Colelli27-Jan-2025 18:59
Wonderful image with excellent vintage work. V
Jeff Real26-Jan-2025 14:51
You are making museum quality work, my friend!
larose forest photos25-Jan-2025 19:47
These glimpses into past times are fabulous!! VV
Alexander Kazakov25-Jan-2025 06:45
Amazing! V
Charlene Ambrose25-Jan-2025 05:54
Lovely look at the past! V
Julie Oldfield24-Jan-2025 02:54
Like a fantastical Time Machine. V
Bill Miller23-Jan-2025 23:15
Impressive picture and presentation
Allan Jay23-Jan-2025 22:31
Masterly processed & captured!
Wintermeer23-Jan-2025 06:14
Love the mood! ~V~
janescottcumming22-Jan-2025 23:38
The good old days. V
laine22-Jan-2025 22:01
Back in the good old days...nice work, Graeme.
Fabienne22-Jan-2025 20:47
C’est une superbe photo et j’aime ce post traitement qui nous envoie dans le passé.
Blandine Mangin22-Jan-2025 20:01
very beautiful ! v
Kevin D Warren22-Jan-2025 19:59
Your image is full of the appeal of a simpler time. Here in New England at least, there are still towns with a combined store/post office. A fine addition to the gallery, Graeme.
Pieter Bos22-Jan-2025 19:00
So good! Like your treatment. ~V
Danad22-Jan-2025 15:58
Such a great and priceless find. A superb presentation.
Boris Alexander Keller22-Jan-2025 15:11
Nostalgie pure! Great tones! V
Ursula Miller22-Jan-2025 14:58
A perfect look of the past! V
Dave Petersen Photography22-Jan-2025 13:22
Love the timeless look and processing. V+
Helen Betts22-Jan-2025 12:43
Great shot with a look out of the past. V.
joseantonio22-Jan-2025 11:52
what a great find with so much history.V.
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