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Bill Klein17-Jan-2025 02:26
Fascinating image & treatment, Graeme! VVV!
Alexander Kazakov09-Dec-2024 11:53
Perfect! V
Jeff Real08-Dec-2024 14:13
What a beautiful trip back in time!
I love your work!
Dan Greenberg06-Dec-2024 15:48
What a fabulous old place this looks to be with lots of old time products on offer. Great image and retro treatment. ~BV~
Dan Opdal06-Dec-2024 12:46
My favorite today! You got my vote. V
Julie Oldfield05-Dec-2024 04:35
A virtual treasure trove from the past. V
Fabienne04-Dec-2024 21:14
Le post-traitement donne beaucoup d’originalité à la photo. C’est superbe.
Blandine Mangin04-Dec-2024 16:17
belle atmosphère d'autrefois dans ce traitement d'un magasin comme ils étaient autrefois ! v
Dennis Hoyne04-Dec-2024 03:18
A fine image! I remember being in places like this.
Hank Vander Velde04-Dec-2024 03:11
AS well presented sepia-style oldie Graeme.
Nick Paoni04-Dec-2024 01:51
Lots to see and appreciate.
laine04-Dec-2024 01:11
You could spend hours and still not see it it. V
Kevin D Warren03-Dec-2024 22:01
A great look back with wonderful toning.
Helen Betts03-Dec-2024 21:31
Love the retro look to this great shot. V.
Tom LeRoy03-Dec-2024 20:09
So interesting to see all the old items in this store. Your presentation is terrific! V
Boris Alexander Keller03-Dec-2024 17:12
I like the antique feel of old stores, like this one with lots of things one would need! Fabulous tones! V
Danad03-Dec-2024 14:07
Despite appearances, the disorder seems well ordered :)
Superb treatment work.
joseantonio03-Dec-2024 11:56
nice effect with those tones.V.
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