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Pieter Bos | all galleries >> Germany >> Niedersachsen >> Lüneburg > "Das Schwangere Haus" ("The Pregnant House")
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"Das Schwangere Haus" ("The Pregnant House")

Waagestraße, Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Deutschland view map

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV ,Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8
1/160s f/6.3 at 35.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Rody Graumans20-Aug-2024 07:16
The hatch is useful during childbirth
Julie Oldfield17-Aug-2024 01:12
The distortion is dizzying. V
Richard Chu16-Aug-2024 22:17
I like the angle you took this shot to emphasize your descriptions! V
Hank Vander Velde16-Aug-2024 19:42
WOE, that's quite the bulge - must be twins.
joseantonio16-Aug-2024 18:21
wow, had never seen anything like this.V.
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