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amidst wattle flowers

Photo credit: Kevin.
Location: Irvinebank, Queensland.
Date: January 2024.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Nirvan Hope14-Nov-2024 06:40
I must have missed this photo of you. You look great in that perfect location!
Zoltán Balogh07-Oct-2024 15:44
Kevin must be another excellent photographer: it's a terrific shot of you and the nice forest surrounding you. V
Dan Opdal03-Oct-2024 06:02
Nice to see you, Don. Beautiful place. Very nice in original size! V
Kevin D Warren23-Aug-2024 15:10
Great environmental portrait - nice to see you!
Danad14-Aug-2024 15:27
Great to see you and in a such natural setting with beautiful greeen tones.
hayl14-Aug-2024 11:42
Always good to see who's behind the camera taking all those great photos!
janescottcumming14-Aug-2024 11:24
Nice to see you Don! Great setting and a beautiful sky.
joseantonio14-Aug-2024 03:23
nice to see you in this lovely setting.
Jeremy14-Aug-2024 01:59
Nice to meet you here, and what a perfect setting for the self-portrait! V
Missed Opportunities14-Aug-2024 01:40
What a great setting - definitely YOU!
Walter Otto Koenig13-Aug-2024 23:50
Great to see you Don!
Tom Beech13-Aug-2024 23:22
Don in his natural habitat, nice !
larose forest photos13-Aug-2024 21:08
You look right at home in the outdoors (of course) and this particular setting is both attractive and interesting. V
Tom Munson13-Aug-2024 21:08
Great to see you, Don. Doing what you love doing.
Helen Betts13-Aug-2024 20:50
Nice to see you, in such a pretty setting.
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