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sweet tooth

Photo credit: Chris Sanders.
Location: Caloundra, Queensland.
Date: June 2014.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Zoltán Balogh07-Oct-2024 15:41
Nice to see you, Don! V
Jim's Atavistic Visions14-Dec-2018 01:39
Sure looks like it is going to taste good.
Yvonne25-Oct-2015 23:57
That pie does look delicious Don, and a generous sized slice too!
Walter Otto Koenig15-Aug-2015 20:40
I like your new profile photo Don. You seem very happy to see that slice of pie.
Tom Munson21-Mar-2015 22:14
I'd also be smiling Don, if I had that spoon.
Ann Pettigrew13-Feb-2015 19:18
Looks awesome! Hope you enjoyed it!
Missed Opportunities13-Feb-2015 16:59
Now that looks like a dessert I could handle!
larose forest photos12-Feb-2015 20:22
:-)) Well, I bet my sweet tooth is bigger than your sweet tooth!! That looks unbelievably delicious.
Guy Dube04-Nov-2013 16:28
Nice self portrait Don nice to see you! Vote
Robert Ballard19-Oct-2013 12:06
How can you be grumpy in Paradise?
Tom LeRoy28-Sep-2013 08:18
A fine portrait of a thoughtful looking photographer. Nice meeting you, Don! V
Ika Zinka Eferl02-Mar-2013 22:57
Nice to see you,Excellent shot. V.
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