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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> B >> Bailey Galleries >> Bailey and the Sunflower 2014 and On... > Bailey and the Sunflowers 2023
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01-Oct-2023 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Bailey and the Sunflowers 2023

We bought some more cut sunflowers for our home.
They're such bright, cheerful flowers.

So, October this year starts out with a photo of Bailey and the Sunflowers. "That" is usually a September event, but I'm continuing on with these new sunflowers. Sunflowers are some of the longest lasting cut flowers. Their presence makes a house feel happy. Bailey's presence makes me feel happy, too. Together, they're a great pair.

I think that, in this photo, Bailey was looking off at one of her "sisters" who were looking at her. They're all quite bonded.


A Tradition Since 2014

Back when Bailey was a baby,
I first discovered that she was a natural model

She has since gone on to a professional career as a canine model with an agent and the works.


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Tom Munson20-Oct-2023 05:51
She is a real poser. Great capture.
Bryan Murahashi20-Oct-2023 03:27
Sweet portrait.
Dennis Hoyne20-Oct-2023 03:06
A major "day brightener"! A sweet shot, Liz.
joseantonio20-Oct-2023 02:58
lovely pose.V.
Hank Vander Velde20-Oct-2023 01:36
Another "Just Beautiful" image Liz. Adds a ray of brightness to ones day.
larose forest photos20-Oct-2023 00:48
I love sunflowers, they really are happy, cheerful blooms. Bailey fits right in under the flowers - gorgeous shot. VV